5 week veg from clone. 3/4 oz seems to be the average.

Reactions: dire wolf mojavegreen CLONE VEG FLOWER Pre-Soak & Feed W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 Balance Use as pH up If the cultivar shows resiliency, use Fade (19 mL) weeks 7-9. Two weeks after that, you get small buds. The goal of vegetative growth is to get enough growth to reach the corners of your Scrog screen. This would have a three stage rotation stage one - clone/veg stage two - first 30 days of 12/12 stage three - last 30 days of Jul 18, 2022 · This is part 1 of our week-by-week series on vegging marijuana plants. Now I'm trying a few clones I have to 12/12. Jan 18, 2012 · It's called monster cropping and yea it works as long as you're not too far into flower. Use a pH testing kit to monitor the pH levels and make adjustments as necessary to maintain an ideal pH balance. Jan 19, 2010 · Infdjedi if the clones don't take - and the problem will probably be woody cuttings rather than time in flower - try root cloning. That kind of growth is what makes designing your veg rooms properly so vital to your CLONE VEG FLOWER Pre-Soak Feed W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 Adjust the feed chart according to weeks needed to complete a run. That takes 3 or 4 weeks of healthy growth. They all started growing hairs straight away (putdoor grow) so i topped them all and cut the hairs off. Been vegging 16 plants for 4 weeks from clone under a 400 watt light. 16 clones, ad fin. Take a couple of hand fulls of roots from the bottom side of your bucket, put them in a dark bucket, sprinkle with distilled water if too dry, cover with black plastic, wait a few weeks (2-4 weeks) and you'll have hundreds of shoots with calydons. 18 to 24 inches tall. take off a ton of leaf when they get about face -size first 1-3 weeks and when they block lower tops of Aug 11, 2020 · I want to do a 16 plant sog under a 600w hps with 2 weeks of veg. I'm doing the same thing but harvesting 1-2 plants a week. But then the plant stalls for two weeks to a month and begins to grow weird shaped leaves out of the buds. Jun 14, 2020 · The re-vegging of your clones will then take (at least) another 2–3 weeks. Once a plant is about 16", I switch, figuring on finishing at around 3 feet. I want to get the May 2, 2014 · vegging for 2 weeks is basically 12-12 from seed, at 2 weeks old the plant wont even be sexualy mature so 2 weeks veg is same as doing 12-12 from seed, iv done 12-12 from seed and got over a oz dry tho. per gallon. Grow Set Up. If you want to learn more about different units of light measurement, we recommend our article on exactly that. Life cycle bud week 9 About 10 days before the plant matures, you should stop fertilizing. 5-6. Sep 26, 2007 · I've been running it for about 3 years now growing a grapefruit x hashplant with about the following time table Veg / clone room - 24hour light 2-23w CFL 2 weeks for clones to root 4 weeks for veg Flower - 12:12 125HPS w/ 4-23CFL 12 weeks 4 plants in 6qt square "pots" -actually food storage containers that maximized the available space, and Cannabis cultivation is a rewarding journey, and mastering the art of transplanting cannabis clones is a crucial step. I have a question in regards to how pot size and veg time impacts the yield. You can flip well-rooted clones almost anytime. LST, topped (most topped/FIM twice) and supercrop'd. The 1. This discrepancy in size is why it is best to cut clones from plants in the vegetative stage. Dedicated to the cultivation of cannabis. Basically last grow I did 6 plants, in 6. May 15, 2018 · Usually about 6 weeks veg, and then 8 weeks bloom. Cannabis Mid-Flowering – week 4 PH: Alicia M Cannabis Mid-Flowering – week 4 I started with a 1/2 gallon sized pot, then transplanted to 2. Jul 2, 2020 · 3. I usually veg for about 4 or 5 weeks and bring the PPMs up to about 400-500. all stay safe. Further reduce humidity levels by 5% staying within 55%-60% to discourage mold and mildew. 5 and ended up in big 5 gallon pot. Nov 29, 2022 · Yes, it is possible to take flowering clones back to the veg stage. 4 weeks later pulled 3 clones ,4 weeks later 4 more clones and flowered the original. The momma plants seem vigorous, and happy looking, but I wonder if they reach a point where they are suppressing root growth, and the cuttings are continuing to do so. The vegetative and flowering stages make up the majority of a cannabis plant’s life cycle. Is this possible. Sep 30, 2022 · Hello all, I’ve got my hands on some pretty bad ass strain and want to clone constantly. Topping and LST (see section) are very useful techniques for keeping plants short and bushy and will help enable a long veg (6-8 weeks) if required. If your goal is 4-6 oz, you'll hit closer to 4. png. Nov 20, 2023 · Start used for 2 weeks = 1/2 tsp. Strains: Custom Breeder & Strain Clone Collector tangerine Truffle Breath by SaiyanLettuce. Seed veg time is 3 months or so. 382K subscribers in the microgrowery community. 4x4 vegging 4x8 blooming 2x2 drying V = veg, B = bloom, X = idle, | = harvest each letter is one week assuming 6 weeks veg and 10 weeks bloom (rough estimate) one tent version: VVVVVVBBBBBBBBBB|VVVVVVBBBBBBBBBB|VVVVVVBBBBBBBBBB| two tent version May 22, 2019 · yes, clone from mature plant in veg up until end of week one flower. 2 week veg and flower vs longer veg. 5 pH in coco/hydro and 6-7 pH in soil), too low pH causes problems. Apr 22, 2020 · Hi guys this question is more for the 12/12 growers. 5. Once your seeds have sprouted, you can initiate the veg cycle for a few weeks to give these seedlings a chance to develop a root system, harden off, and develop a few sets of true leaves. Feb 3, 2024 · Clones prefer a pH range of 5. Young plants sprout a mass of fan leaves and elongate their roots over the next 2-3 weeks. Week 1 Veg. Towards the end of this week, make sure the pH is up to 5. Looking pretty small for 5 weeks old too. Nov 29, 2006 · "Ic is Boring as shit" right on just an opinion duder to many things come into play on how much can i yield, my cab is dialed in 1 grow i'm grown in 1 gal grow bags the newest 3 clones in the cab had 10 day veg from rootn in 3x3x3 inch containers. If they were mine I'd probably clone or remove the lowest two or three branches, bend the top over, top the remaining branches, and let them recover for a couple weeks, give some flower nutes once your toppings have grown out, and flip them 3-4 weeks from now. May 21, 2013 · 3 weeks veg will be fine if they are healthy i vegged mine for 4 weeks the topped one was vegged for 6-7 the lil 1 got put in flower after 1 week of veg shes just now showing sex edit i was following on from this question [h=2]2-3 weeks veg from seed and then flower ?! please advice![/h] Nov 21, 2008 · with a 150w HPS you wouldn't want to veg it very long anyway because its such a small light. The brand of nutrients, is about 5th on my list. HOW TO MONSTER CROP CANNABIS INDOORS Just a few extra weeks of vegetative growth can dramatically increase plant size, number of nodes, and future bud sites. Earth Juice: Verde Fire powder nutrients for grow and bloom added every other watering. 5) for 2–3 hours. We super cropped a few and topped a few but ended up topping just about all of them, that's the reason for the 12 weeks veg, it sent us back a bit. Aim for humidity levels between 40-60%. Jul 11, 2020 · In DWC, vegetative growth takes 2-3 weeks on average, much shorter than with soil. Dec 7, 2011 · You should be able to take a cutting from cannabis any time forthemostpart. Jan 7, 2024 · Be sure to keep the environment optimal throughout this week, even if it is a challenge. It is actually fairly common something you you can learn how to do easily. That plant is straight up flowering. Root them, veg 2+ weeks, and flip. I have been working to save her Humidity plays a crucial role in the success of your cannabis clone grow. And my lights are one 1000W for flowering and a 400W in the veg room. Jul 2, 2010 · Dont want to do that man You dont want to be taking cuttings when a plant is starting to go into flowering or in flowering, dont beleve all that's said on the farm onfortunetly there are to many people with laptop's that talk about growing, not to say that all farmers talk shit but om just saying that you should ask some one like logic or any outher well astableshed farmer, ie some one that Filename 20230802_155556. dro veg time is 2-4 weeks. Jan 11, 2023 · Factors to consider when switching from veg to bloom Plant’s age. So I’d trade learning the sex of a plant for 4-7 days if I get a taste weeks earlier. You could do 25 for better penetration but the yield may be less. Just trimmed roots back, when I up-potted to the 5 gal I used mykos and the roots went wild used a little after trim but not nearly as much. The EC or TDS should be low. This is a Swiggy clone built with React JS. If the clones don't take its no biggie but you have a pretty good chance anyway and monster cropping tends to be perfect for a bucket. That way you have a nice steady flow. My monster cropped one is basically burnt to a crisp because of ph issues but it grew like a beast in veg and Jul 28, 2024 · Week 1 – From rooted clone, allow plants to establish themselves and start vigorous growth. I left one to see if it woukd revert back to veg. LOL well good luck U CAN DO IT Just enjoy what ur doing. png 1-part_clone_solution. Depending on how long into flower they r usually depends on how long of recovering time they have and also different strains act differently. This means you will have a regular-size 4-week-old plant (the mother), and a tiny, seedling-size 4-week-old plant (the clone). 1. But then you would need 36 pots to fill the tent and that is a bitch and a half. May 12, 2019 · 30 a light. Light: Clone LED or T-5 fluorescent. Mar 31, 2013 · as long as the roots set ,,the time you veg is up to the grower regardless of the strainone mite veg a single clone for 8 to 10 weeksthats because it may take that long to FILL the grow space or cannopy. The first 2-3 weeks of flowering will still be vegetative growth anyways. While you can technically take a cutting from any plant, plants in the flowering stage take weeks or even months longer to clone! Dec 3, 2021 · Instead of having 5-7 leaves per fan leaf, they will have 1 – 3 . There's a thread about it. Oct 18, 2011 · Flower time depends on strain. So I take the cutting 2 weeks into flowering stage they have pistol hairs on the clones. During this phase, you can give them 24 hours of direct light. Feb 28, 2020 · The vegetative stage in Cannabis plants may last from 3 to 16 weeks, or even more in outdoor crops. How to tell if clones are rooting? The quality of the foliage is the biggest indicator of if your plant is taking to the cloning process. Shorter time for veg growing Sativa, as height and finish time play a big part. Since neutral water has about 7 pH and tap water often has even higher pH (due to how the water was treated), many growers add PH Down (a strong acid) to adjust their water to a lower pH before watering plants. 7 day veg, or what I consider pre veg. I have a 2x4 for veg and 4x4 for flower, I take clones right before I start to flower, in 3 weeks the clones should have roots, I veg for another month in the 2x4 tent then move to the 4x4 tent and veg for another week or two. Jan 15, 2024 · Life cycle bud week 7. Transplanting. Vegging for like 6 weeks. How long do people typically veg clones for? 4-5 weeks? Locked post. I would need to keep the them on veg for 8 weeks till my flower room is ready… will 2 months be a problem? Jun 5, 2016 · No no no. I give seed grown plants more like 45 days but clones I flip to flower almost right at 4 weeks everytime. Indica you can veg longer, but finish time still could be a factor. As a general estimate, adding two weeks of vegetative growth time, will double your yield. 5 weeks from transplant, in early veg. The SoG is run every two weeks the vegged ones would be run once a month. Hope this helps. I skipped the buds. Nov 2, 2010 · Flowering time is 7 weeks and I will clone my plants after 7-12 days of flowering. Clones from flowering mothers will be 3x the size of a vegged mothers clones by the 3 week veg mark. Jul 21, 2007 · This technique is an old and easy 1. Although cannabis plants like slightly acidic root conditions (5. Oct 7, 2011 · I do a 4 week veg now. Nov 28, 2023 · Your cuttings will begin growing roots in a clone box when the temperature is around 71. Founded in July 2014, Swiggy is based in Bangalore, and operates in 500 Indian cities, as of September 2021. try 3 gallon , 4-5 week veg. *For extended VEG cycles, repeat week 4 of VEG table. Sep 2, 2009 · OR what about a perpetual clone, and just have stages set up to constantly clone, veg, flower etc. I recommend harvesting at the very beginning of this phase, for any propagation you are wanting to do. If you are still unsure, you can give the branch a Mar 8, 2015 · Hello people. Do a 2 month veg and you'll almost certainly get closer to 6oz per plant, even on a medium yielding plant. Woody, broad, and compact. Oct 12, 2023 · Mind that PAR levels are measured as photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) generally in the unit of µmol/m²/s. Although, I'd personally never plan on taking cuts beyond 2 weeks into flower. I’ve never used it before but giving it a go, I added earth worm casting that I have harvested from my worm bin. But leave any and all leaves on. Soon, these young plants will explode with new growth. Broad leaf drug strain. Plants 1-4 are 6 to 7 inches tall and look great (very bushy). I'm going to be vegging for 9 weeks. In 3-8 days it shows sex and if its a girl so was its original and now you have a confirmed female mom to yank your May 28, 2021 · It only matters if you want to fill the space. "OCS Fem White Truffle X Terple " cannabis grow journal. I will try to take about 2 clones per plant and the plan is to make about 112 clones. 5 for proper nutrient absorption. If you prune heavily then vegging plants for 4-5 weeks will limit overall plant height. Mostly I go by height, tho. Hopefully by this point each clone is standing up on its own. Apr 25, 2013 · Today marked their 12 week under the 600 watt MH bulb. CW May 22, 2024 · Understanding the Veg-to-Flower Transition. 5 OZ vertical under 1000W HPS Imo cutting 2 or 3 lower shoots isn't going to give you a big hit to your harvest or anything. I mean if this is a large scale operation and all. Time could be longer or shorter depends on grower's needs. Jul 31, 2024 · Cut a 5-7 inch long sucker from a healthy zucchini plant using a pair of shears. Was planning on doing a sog. So you got plenty of lights. This grow I flipped 5 weeks after the beans popped, grow before that went 6 but I had less plants. After transplanting your clone into a one gallon pot, allow it 1-2 weeks to acclimate. They shoot crazy amounts of side shoots. with a little patience the clone WILL in most cases revert back to vegging, It may take a couple of weeks before you notice any change or growth (some genetic strains will not "re-enter" the veg cycle, its’ rare but possible) I actually take my clones during the flower cycle, about 20 days in. May 31, 2017 · Some say snip the bud in half, some say snip all bud off. Are you thinking about growing marijuana and need easy to grow seeds for beginners? Perhaps you usually buy your Jan 28, 2008 · Hello people. u may even have to thin them out. New rules so looking at doing fewer plants per light. Get 2 fat colas in each pot. This is one reason why I could never do a "true" scrog. 6 different strains. 4 clones starting at week 5, veg 4 weeks, clone. 9 KB Dimensions 1280px x 960px Jan 4, 2022 · I have clones 1. Indoor growers use it in limited space grow areas. 5 grams per gallon will work well. All 4 rooted, then stalled out. I don’t water my clones everyday I wait until they dry some and feed them. But my experiences have been good after i grew patience. Some strains will give 3x stretch, so if you veg it too long and it gets too big, when you flick it over you'll have height probs. Bloom Phase (Powering the Flower) As a rule-of-thumb, in the first 2-3 weeks of flowering the plant will continue to grow in height (termed “flowering-stretch”) and buds will begin to form. The one clone of white widow x silver haze we low stressed trained early on and has since sprouted another main branch coming for base of the Jan 2, 2017 · I did to save some genetics ( week 8 ) it took another 8 weeks to reverse to veg . I can just mother out a few plants in a separate tent then clone and use 9 or more 5 gals to fill out in half the time. Aug 22, 2013 · I like a 5 week veg usually, but if you want speed, 4 is a good number. I have grown from seed to 12/12 and was able to pull an ounce and the plant grew 18inch I was pleased. And if you do want to give actual veg lighting to start I would do it for no less than a week, otherwise not sure there would be much point except to delay your harvest. ? First batch veg 5 weeks, clone. **For extended Flower cycles, repeat week 6 of the Flower chart for any additional weeks added, making sure to follow week 7 and 8 the final two weeks of Flower. Growers do this to force plants to produce more buds in case it was a low yield, or if the harvested buds are particularly special. I suggest the cuttings go beneath a 600-watt HPS lamp in an environment with 30% humidity for good results. A small clone flowered immediately may yield 10 grams after 2 months total cycle time. 3/4 oz seems to be the average. This changes environmental variables, specifically with seedlings’ tolerance and hunger for more intense lighting. 5 and 6. When all is said and done, expect the process to add at least 3 weeks to your plant’s growth; and this doesn’t even factor in further topping and training. We discuss starting with clones, using an EZ Cloner, and developing rooted clones. 30 a light og kush in dtw rockwool I can get away with 2 to 5 days veg. Feb 27, 2017 · I actually have 4 tents: 4x4 cloning and a couple of mothers. The average veg length is 4-5 weeks. Success rates start dropping as soon as buds appear and it can be very difficult to clone flowering plants that are approaching harvest. This is intended for organic cultivation for 8-12 week varieties. Gorilla Glue #4 (licensed) -- Indica dominant hybrid. You'll get much more harvest than your average clone. (405) 594-3600 Feb 29, 2024 · Timing – The longer the original plant has been flowering, the higher the chance of clones dying and/or taking forever to re-veg. Jun 23, 2020 · Crazy my buddy must have a good routine down he clones gets roots in 12 says veg for 2 weeks and then into flower. Most strains go 8-10 weeks. If I did a SOG I would stay in the 1 gallon pot and do a 2 week veg. Boost is only used ofr 2 weeks. I have 2 big bubble cloners, each one can support 56 clones in neoprene. Clone_solution_feeding_chart. Oct 20, 2022 · Depends on the plant and how many. Then I May 10, 2022 · It usually takes clones 3-4 weeks to establish roots. This looks early enough in flower to simply clone it and put on 18/6. If you have a clone with a healthy root system then year 2 weeks is ok, if you don't have any problems. would that PPM be to high for such a young plant? if so what would you recommend as far as feeding goes? Nov 5, 2009 · The 4 - 6 weeks this takes is a positive advantage to me , only one clone taken very late from only the most promiseing plants , only kept a month by which time the bud is cured and an informed decision made to clone or cull. if your clones have roots coming out the bottom put em in small cups of good soil and water lightly and veg em 24/0. Many growers veg plants for 3-5 weeks typically. Measure the concentration of nutrients to ensure Apr 6, 2011 · Keep in mind that even under 12/12 those clones won't be "flowering" right away, they still will essentially veg for at least a little bit. 1 week veg from clone – Photo by @NugHeuser. These leaves wont look like marijuana leaves at all and have smooth edges and look soft. includes instructions on how to grow 12 lbs every 3 weeks in Dec 20, 2020 · I just jarred a Gelato with a 4 week veg, got 5. I get the clone rooted about 3-5 day then toss it into 12/12 light. Take your cutting following the instructions listed above. I have also packed plants in there. Jul 22, 2013 · The TWO top ways to increase yield, are veg time, and light. New comments cannot Give Your Seedlings 2-3 Weeks To Harden Off. DAY 5. 1. Watch clone start to grow pollen sacks (No idea how long this takes) 7. Some will do it as a natural result of being under the sun, others will do it automatically based on a genetically coded internal clock, and others—grown indoors—will need our help to make this change. per gallon along with the 3/4 tsp. With the 4 in there now i am running rosebuckets. I can't stand long veg times - such a waste of time. You do not want to the plants to start growing through the screen. Probably as a result those plants will be smaller in size. It is so not. A clone is not a seedling. That will give me 3-5 dry oz as a general rule. Make small holes in the middle of your cubes using a pair of sterilised scissors. Whereas an autoflower plant in veg may be perhaps 10-20cm tall, perhaps 3 weeks old and ready to start stretching once bloom begins. looks great. Most growers vegetate their indoor plants for 4-8 weeks, depending on the desired plant size. Plant clone into soil, place in grow tent and only veg until it has recuperated the transplant and is well rooted. I use similar tech to early sex plants. While this seems like the age-old seed-versus-seedling conundrum, it is not. The vegetative stage is the best time to take a cutting from your cannabis. im gonna let them go to 6 weeks then flip to 12/12. It is best to veg for 4 weeks It is best to veg for 6 weeks It is best to veg for 2 months It is best to try and get the plant to reach the top of your tent/light, so flip at around half height of tent. If you veg for just two weeks from germination then the plant won't be mature enough to flower. Throw clone into flow and start spraying nodes with colloidal silver 6. 2 week veg 24 hours light then flip. This its from rooted clone. This is a general guide for plant growth by week. Grow before that I was cycling clones I vegged 8 weeks. The longer the plant is kept in veg the more roots the plant will have and the larger the bush will be. Feb 16, 2020 · I took some clones off a plant 10 days into flower. They have 3-5 nodes and roots that are 2-3 inches long when vegging officially begins. Make sure that it doesn’t have a bud attached to it. Evaluate the root system during these weeks and consider transplanting into larger containers if necessary. Soil veg is 3-5 weeks. Sep 21, 2011 · I am going on week 5 veg( 18/6) from seed AK48 all girls. Have cloned 100's of flowering cuts. Longer veg, more product, unless you are height restricted. I took some from week 7 and week 8 from flip. Jan 10, 2023 · 2. 5 litre pots and vegged for exactly 5 weeks (from seed not clone) To get the same yield from the same strain from just 4 plants, what pot size and roughly how long 376K subscribers in the microgrowery community. I feel like I could be doing a better veg system. Up and down with summer heat. place to Veg the Clones. Basically they didn't reveg, they finished. As the name implies, a clone is an exact copy of its mother plant. You sow them, and greenery emerges from the soil. Bonus for cloning – the clone can be used as test smokes wayyyy before the mother plant is done growing. It took 23 days to show root's. After flush you wait for ripening or tricome decay to be wine red. I took some clones 3-4 weeks ago. Although this stage certainly isn’t as fun or exciting as the flowering stage, it is crucial. It all depends on the strain. I was wondering if it would be a good time to switch over to 12/12 after week 5. The clone you remove will be the exact age of the mother plant from which it was cut. We love pictures of your plants & harvest, discussing… Aug 15, 2020 · Soak your Rockwool cubes in slightly acidic water (we recommend a pH of 5. This is because it’s the phase where the plant is growing the most and focusing all its energy on its stems and leaves. If room (and time) allow, a 6-8 week veg phase can provide higher yields for “seedlings. I try for 4 fat colas in each pot. How to clone a cannabis plant in 5 simple steps: Aug 3, 2011 · I have 4 plants in my veg closet right now that are only about 3 inches tall and a month old! I grow Hempy, 600 w HPS but veg with a T5. 1 day ago · Zilla, Yes they look just dandy INDEED. 6 clones under 1000w I'd probably flip at 4 weeks. 4. 5 for the best chance of germination success. jpg File size 297. Apr 5, 2019 · Once the plant has grown 6-8 weeks (from a seed) it will enter the preflower phase, for a two week window. I guess my theory here is the older the clone the quicker they "can" go through veg and flower. In my little experience with flowering clones - they root fine, but take a good amount of time switching back into veg to grow. 5 gal pots. Grow room 1, growing in . Make colloidal silver 5. You can identify maturity when the buds are dense, glimmering and smelly. May 25, 2022 · But the normal yield from a 2 week veg and flower setup is between 1 – 3 ounces per plant. Boost used 2-3 weeks before finish is added to Bloom at 1=2 tsp. Jul 30, 2012 · So I want to clone my mother and once transplanted into it's final home, veg for 2 weeks then flower. Gently pull on the clone internodes at the base of the stem to ensure they are ready and/or check the bottom of the cubes for good white healthy root development. I'd say somewhere around 2-3 weeks. This is part of the process of the plant turning back into veg and eventually, new leaves will grow out that look like traditional leaves, but it usually takes about 4 weeks. Check out this video to learn more! 5 Aug 1, 2018 · Veg Week 3 - 2mil bloom, 4 mil micro, 6mil grow, 3mil CALiMAGic, 2mil hydroguard, 2mil Orca -veg Veg Week 4 - 2mil bloom, 4 mil micro, 6mil grow, 3mil CALiMAGic, 2mil hydroguard, 2mil Orca -veg Bloom Week 5 - 4mil bloom, 4mil micro, 4mil grow, 3mil CALiMAGic, 2mil hydroguard, 2mil Orca, 2mil Diamond Nectar Jul 13, 2017 · hello everyone. 24 clones, I'd flip after 1 week. It is strain dependent also. 6 plants. Low 50s humidity. Hope I was helpful. My question is how many clones will fit in a 3x3 tent for vegging for 9 weeks. But the extra time the mother plant gets under the lights means clone plants is likely bigger. Plants eventually become capable of photosynthesis and drawing water from the soil. We love pictures of your plants & harvest, discussing… Dec 2, 2022 · Re-veg is 10 days onwards. NOTE: For light feeding plants/gardens with lower light intensity/no CO2- Adjust down as much as 30% Mar 3, 2012 · Dude top those thing's and veg for another month i veg about 4 weeks from clone so 4 weeks from seed i wouldn't even bother the only reason u think ur ready is because those lights must b 3 feet away from plant to b honest u need to put lamp rt on those thing's and watch ur plants stack not stretch like that but if it's ur style rt on 376K subscribers in the microgrowery community. This will speed up the rate at which they grow. And there was no bad side effects on the clones . 8 and don’t add any nutrients to make sure the pH level and TDS level are balanced. If, after a week, the leaves are still alive and healthy, it means your clone is setting roots. A two week veg from seed is quite rare as it is not really enough time to grow a full-sized plant with a strong root system. Nov 12, 2020 · Between 4 to 8 weeks in the vegetative stage is the best time to take a cutting for cloning. The plant then reverts back to vegetative growth. 10 votes, 14 comments. depends on the starting size of the clone too. On the other hand the same space filled with 50 clones can be flowered as soon as the roots set,this couled be over nite in hydro Sep 20, 2014 · based on the photos I'd say a couple to a few more weeks if you have the time, but what vostok said is a good rule of thumb. Acapulco Gold cannabis strain has been popular since the 1960s or so so you’ll find probably a couple of hundred different grow reports online, so for this weekly guide we’ve chosen a report that shows how low-stress training and high-stress training techniques can help you grow any strain, even a 200 cm tall strain in a relatively small space as long as you do it correctly. Dec 26, 2020 · Yes, you can do it, although you might end up vegging in your 4x4 tent for a week or two if the clones outgrow the 2x2 tent. of bloom. Thanks so much. But while I was waiting popped more beans and flowered those with the first 3 clones. For training, I topped the clone after a couple days and leaned her to the side. Although “cuttings” can be exchanged whenever desired, it is normally advisable to wait until the clone develops a robust root system before switching (typically 2-3 weeks old). Feb 4, 2020 · From weeks 4-5 of the flowering stage, plants stop growing in size and start growing, fattening their buds and darkening their pistils. Dip your clone into your rooting agent and secure it in the hole of a soaked Rockwool cube. Topping Cannabis Clones. Strain dependent. Life cycle bud week 8. Now, plant the cutting directly into the soil, just like you do with a tomato sucker. So im guessing I need a 8-9 week veg for 4 plants under 2 600 watts MH lights than on to 1000w in flowering room. im doing a mix of sativas and indicas so i figured lst was the way to go. My last grow no nutrient issues at all and this tkme I tried to water and feed everyday and messed them up in coco Jan 3, 2023 · When growing in bigger pots (about 8 litres +) the absolute minimum veg time would be two weeks – but 80% of growers would give the plants three to four weeks in veg. This guide discusses cannabis clone transplantation, from understanding transplant shock to implementing strategies that ensure a successful transition. However, just because you can force your plants to start flowering early doesn’t mean you should. I have two rooms but time is of essence and I was wondering how long can I keep cannabis in veg stage without affecting the health of the plant. Two weeks later you notice those pretty flowers. Nov 2, 2010 · I found my clones of clones were showing pre flower as soon as I took them out of the cloner. Bloom used throughout flower including weeks 5-6 where you add Booster = 3/4 tsp. However, stretching will continue for 2-3 weeks into a 12/12 photoperiod (flower) where they’ll grow another 30% in size before shifting energy to flower mass production. Harvest yield, seeds review, grow details. 18-6 cycle, 77 degrees on average. Hit me up if you Nov 11, 2019 · If you’re using the 1-Parts, 1-Part Grow at 0. Plant 5 popped through the soil last, but close to the others, grew for a few days and then stopped. Grow is used throughout veg cycle = 1/2 tsp. Aug 3, 2021 · On average, that's about how long I veg my plants. It's not impossible but your posts says your not experienced enough to hit that yet. (For the flamers; yes I know it is possible, just not recommended for any kind of yield) Clones on the other hand, when taken from a mature mother have all these Clone veg time? First Time Grower Currently in day 10 of planting my clone. Mar 7, 2017 · Going from 16 plant per light to only 4 per light. For germination, the perfect temperature is around 80°F but anywhere within the 70°F – 90°F (21°C – 32°C) range will work just fine. If done in the first few weeks of flower I never see re veg weirdness. The plant will grow 2-3 weeks. 4 or 6 a light, 4 to 5 weeks veg. Nov 2, 2023 · You want bigger pots than that . In non-cannabis horticulture it’s what we’d call a vegetative cutting . Instead of fifty clones taken in veg i end up with five or less as late flower revegs , much more space efficient. Much depends on the length of time the plant has been in the vegetative growth stage for. If you pop seeds, they need 2-4 weeks to develop a root system that can support flowering. Jun 9, 2024 · The vegetative stage begins when the plant is 3-4 weeks old, and the stage lasts for up to 16 weeks before the plant starts blooming. What is the right temperature and relative humidity? I hear things all over the map. then moving to RDWC. Jun 28, 2024 · Your methods of propagation impact veg timing. 1 clone, I'd probably veg 10 weeks. Invest in a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels in your grow space. It’s important to keep a good feeding schedule in order to fatten the buds and help the plant grow strong aromatic components. If using a strongly rooted clone then a two week veg Feb 3, 2020 · Currently am vegging just in rockwoool cubes and hydroton in essentially litter boxes. Sep 3, 2012 · I clone when plants go in and veg untill they are done at 9 weeks flowering, so around 5-6 weeks veg under a T5. Swiggy is an Indian online food ordering and delivery platform. Strain is zkittles by Dutch passion Soil is fox farms happy frog with fox farms ocean forest 50/50 mix. Using clones in a 3x3 which will flower in a 5x5 tent after the 9 week veg. Running a/c lots. Probably not going to get 24oz out of a 4x4 with a 600hps though. Transplant to final pots if starting from small containers. A good average for a typical soil grow is probably 4 - 6 weeks of veg. I don't bother filtering my veg tent because it never smells. Because have been told takes a while to reveg. Fahrenheit in a very humid environment and fluorescent lighting. Your yield will greatly increase with a 3-4 week veg period instead of just one week. For me, a six week veg does the trick. I have seen BlackBerry kush with no veg turn into 2 liter bottles on popsicle sticks. It is best to veg until 4-6 nodes It is best to veg until alternate branching happens It is best to veg until the plant shows early signs of sex Aug 15, 2018 · With cannabis, you have the choice of starting seeds or procuring a clone. 1000watt hid with a 300cfm keeps my tent at a steady 75-80 degrees as long as it wasn't above 80 inside. This allows you to observe your clones for one full week and confirm all the snipping are rooting. Monitor Nutrient Solution Strength: Regularly check the electrical conductivity (EC) of the nutrient solution. Dec 28, 2013 · I have five white widow x big bud plants growing, they are on day 15 of veg under a 600 watt MH. Using more plants would have filled the tent much quicker. Weeks 2-3 – Growth accelerates, topping/training can begin. Starting From Seed. 2 8 weeks later. Let pollen sacks mature (No idea how long this takes) 8. I pull early clone from my big plants and label it corresponding to its original donor. May 3, 2010 · In order for the structures required for flowering our sweet plants to be in place and mature, a plant started from seed must be vegged for a period of time, usually 2-5 weeks indoors. some growers actually do this intentionally-take cuts from plants a few weeks in bloom just so they can Dec 6, 2023 · With 4-8 weeks of average veg time, marijuana plants can start flowering as early as four weeks. Personally if I don't know the expected stretch I veg for 30 days until they're about a foot tall, and then put them into flower. Each additional topping will add around a week to your grow. While clones benefit from higher humidity levels during the rooting phase, maintaining moderate humidity during the vegetative stage is important. Mar 27, 2012 · More of a overall qualitative judgment as well, weaker limbs on the inside sometimes come out, as well as when I'm up potting from clone/2gal/5g im taking mini leaves/arms from the bottom 1/I, aiming for well structured productive frames. i’ve seen others after a 5 week veg seem a lot bigger, obviously many favors but Infeel Aug 4, 2012 · Unless you go all auto you will need at least one veg room and one room 4 times as big for flowering. In previous posts, I've talked about how doubling veg time (from seed or clone) can triple yield. Clone is at least 14 days . A feminised strain with 15 weeks of veg growth could have filled a very large SCROG screen. All it has done now is grow weird leaves and it hasnt grown in size sinze i got the cutting. How To Nurture Cannabis Part 4: Last weeks of blooming After weeks of mounting excitement, the long-awaited moment for harvest is finally within arm's reach Part 5: Harvest This guide will assist you through each step of the harvest process to ensure a healthy and potent stash. All cannabis plants that make it to maturity will switch from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage at some point. 1-4 plants vegging in a 5x5 just seems way too long to fill out. For instance, indoor cultivators see faster vegging, and those with sativa strains can expect longer flowering periods. Cannabis strains vary depending on their genetics and may not follow this guide exactly. Keep the temperature within the range of 24-29°C during the day. 5 degrees. What do you need help with? Jun 14, 2019 · Here’s how it usually goes: You take the plant out in May. I jus wana veg for two weeks then flip it will this stil work. Avoid keeping it in direct sunlight and water well. 5 plants to one. Apr 18, 2023 · The clones should be transplanted a second time from the 1 gallon pot to their final 5 gallon pot 3-4 weeks later or before switching to flower, whichever comes first. We love pictures of your plants &…. I did clone a plant like 4 weeks in flower one time n it definitely was really weird. If you’re using the 3-Part or the 4-Part, you can find a cloning solution recipe on the feeding chart page. If you have the luxury of more than one grow space you can do a perpertual harvest; get a bunch of plants to first week flower, take clones from these plants. I plan on doing a 5 week perpetual harvest with about 4 plants. Oct 10, 2023 · Remember to always check the pH of the water, and amend it to between 5. However, it's possible that the ones I set aside to be the next 'momma' plant are getting a little root bound. Veg clones for 7-9 weeks (until you harvest the first lot) then put the mature clones into flower, clone, rinse and Nov 16, 2017 · If you grow an 8-week flowering strain, you will want to have your new clones fully vegged out by the end of the 8th week so they can immediately enter the flowering tent once the previous run is harvested. 4 clones would have filled that tent with just 5/6 weeks veg, or even 9 clones with 2 weeks veg, making for more grows/harvests per year making for much more yield per year. Seedling stage: 2-3 weeks; Vegetative stage: 3-16 weeks; Flowering stage: 7-12 weeks; The exact duration varies with your choices. Jul 1, 2009 · 300w 6500K CFL veg clones cut, rooted, and veg in 30 days then after 30 days from cutting put into flower no trimming and only topping them once. Sometimes Cannabis Growers Re-Veg on Purpose… Monster Cropping – Take a cannabis clone from a flowering plant, a technique that is sometimes known as “monstercropping” (more on that below!) Harvest Plant 2nd Time – Re-grow a cannabis plant after harvest (typically not that productive as far as yields, but fun!) Accidental Re-Vegging Oct 13, 2022 · How Big Of a Clone Can You Take From The Mother Plant? The recommended height is six inches, and it can be achieved by topping a plant in week eight of veg or cutting developing branches. within a month or so all the clones will be throwing LOADS of shoots out in all directions. 1 clones were taken @ 6 weeks veg and 1. Keep the flowering on the 3 month mark. I did it for shits n giggles. Using the old faithful Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil mixed with some extra perlite. Some people prefer to veg their plant for much longer than two weeks. Cannabis plants are usually able to start flowering from the 4th week of the vegetative stage. 2 clone went straight to flower and will finish just shy of the 1. Dec 16, 2006 · i veg from clone for 4 weeks, from seed about 6-8, but this last go round i only vegged for 5 weeks from seed, and glad i did cuz theyz monstas Reactions: 714steadyeddie L May 2, 2023 · Week 12 veg update: Feed right now: 1/8TSP Dr bronners soap per gallon for cleanliness Garden weed (FPJ) Beet (FPJ) Sea Water monthly (sea salt diluted and put into feed) Alaska 5-1-1 fish amino acid weekly starting this week (Compost worked 3 inches or so into soil and 1 top dress of BAS CRAFT BLEND dry amendments) IPM right now: 1 1/2 tbsp Dr Apr 27, 2022 · The majority of the cannabis plant's leafy growth and elongation will occur in veg. New branches are rich in growth hormones, so growers make a 45-degree cut below the nodes to maximize the surface area for new roots. See the pattern. . The reason for the difference in clone and seed veg cycles is due to a seedling’s physical inability of flowering during the first 3-4 weeks of its life, while a clone can be flowered immediately. the buds is were the new shoots come from. idk the height as i been doing LST but i figure my tallest is over 18" easily. Reply Sep 29, 2011 · awesome. What say you? I'm growing three strains in a 5' x 10' grow tent: Kush Mints -- Indica dominant hybrid. ” Mar 20, 2024 · Entering weeks 4 to 5, the focus is on sustaining vigorous growth. I currently have a 2x4 tent, upgrading to a 4x4 for flower. Snip as you normally would and clone. ill be following Jul 30, 2008 · You can't force the clone to do anything outside the genetics. im currently almost (on monday it'll be) 5 weeks in veg. 19 19 Limited space here too. then i transplanted them into 1 gal bags 2 day veg 3rd day into the cab, clines where approx 8inch when i fliped 12/12 now 16 days l8r thier 18 inch Apr 10, 2009 · As others have said, it can be really strain and location dependent. It just depends really on what you are growing and style etc. grskc drtly jvwzel pawidh hetk rjhg zkidj ydqa slstzzkd tfxot